Sunday, April 10, 2011

what color??????????

I hope it will soon be warm enough to paint the front door. What color do you think???????? Sue


  1. Our house is almost exactly the stain color of your building. I wanted our doors PINK..but he wouldn't go for it. So, ended up being a light warm yellow..a great color for wreaths through all seasons...think winter and variegated ivy or euynomous. However...if I did decide to change the paint color..I would try a celedon green..similar to Theresa's Green on your paint chip chart. A little more dead than the yellow but..both say a warm Welcome, come right in..while the color of the door now, doesn't say that to me...)))

  2. Thank-you, Brenda.The pink sounds fun if I could get the right pink. I think the yellow sounds great too. I didn't think of yellow. Stayed tuned and thanks for the ideas. I'll bet you are busy outside!!!!!!!

  3. I think a Green would be nice too. You always have some pretty green plants by the door and it would go nicely. But whatever color you decide on, if you don't like it .... Mike will paint it again .... right Mike???


  4. Don't let Dad paint that door in his new sweatshirt!

  5. None of them! Create a new color just for you. Lavender maybe.

  6. Ohhh...Lavender..never thought of would work for all seasons AC! Nice idea... and like Pink, would get one's that important?...cause a soft yellow won't get attention...that's for sure.

    I notice there is brickwork at the might expand on that..bringing the footpath to the door right in here.. but I will admit, I wouldn't go for that..but designers might)))...just not me.

    So..purpose of the door...attention? decoration? beauty plus the above? level of beauty to attract attention..gaudy or cultured?...who could think there were so many questions to be asked about a simple door...

  7. Gardeningbren, I struggle with my own entry here @ Anchor Cottage. How to attract attention w/o being too gaudy. I still am trying to figure out the best balance.

  8. I don't know about Lavender .. isn't that what the shop next door has for their door?? It could be confusing to people ... since you share the building, people may think it's all one shop...

    Whatever you decide on ... I'm with Sarah ... don't let Mike paint in his new sweatshirt ... hee hee!!!

  9. Maybe..the door color as an enhancement to the wreath or decoration..or plantings around the door...not making the door color the highlight.. You know..I am still thinking yellow. Lavender is nice but if the next shop has a lavender door...xnay. Sell what you are find that color...with a pump of modern vintage. is there such a color?

  10. Thanks everyone for your help. I don't know! It's still too cold to paint so I have some time to fret about it! You know Sarah, your dad does not have a thing to wear that is not covered with paint. All the colors sound pretty.

  11. Sue, are you allowed to paint the the wall surrounding the door and window?
